Shad Fry
Shad Fry
Hook: #6 short shank hook
Body: Mylar piping encasing wing of white craft fur
Eyes: Yellow with black pupil adhesive eyes coated with clear tool dip thinned with naphtha
Thread: White Monocord
Tying Instructions:
Tie in wing of white craft fur. For the body, slip a piece of Mylar tubing over the craft fur wing and
tie in at the eye of the hook. Place the eyes carefully. Coat the eyes and the forward part of the body with
clear tool dip thinned with naphtha (a material such as softex can also be used.
Tied by Don Puckett
Don fishes this fly below the dam at Toledo bend. This fly is effective when the shad are very small fry
and are all over the river.
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