HOOK: #8 Aberdeen
THREAD: Pink nylon
BODY: Pink and white chenille
TAIL: Pink craft fur
WING: Pink ultrahair, topped with white craft fur, topped with pink
Yeah, it’s pink. The crappies in southwest Louisiana seem to like only three colors: White, pink & gray.
And the gray seems to only work when dragonfly nymphs are emerging. So normally that leaves you with
only white and pink. This fly seems to work. A very simply tie: Attach thread and wrap to the bend
of the hook. Tie in pink craft fur as tail. Tie in white chenille so portion to be wound is pointing toward
the eye of the hook. Tie in pink chenille and wind around hook shank and white chenille to just short of
midshank of hook. Put a couple wraps of thread around the pink chenille. Wind 2-3 turns of white
chenille around hook shank and pink chenille. Tie off white chenille and trim. Continure winding pink
chenille to just short of hook eye, tie off and trim. Tie in wing consisting of pink ultrahair topped with
white craft fur topped with more pink ultrahair.
Mark Delaney,
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