PHSC 300
When looking for a specific piece of information that is probably generally available, hnadbooks, dictionaries and encyclopedias are often good sources. Some of the most common chemistry handooks and encyclopedias are listed below (all of these may be found in the reference section of the McNeese library, however the library's copy of the Chemist's Companion has gone missing. A copy will be available from the secretary in the Chemistry Department Office):
- Chemist's Companion, Wiley-Interscience, NY 1972; QD 65.G64
- Concise Dictionary of Chemistry, Oxford University Press, NY 1990
- Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Lewis, Ed., Van Norstrand-Reinhold, NY 1993; QD 5.C5
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, Lide, Ed., CRC Press; QD65.H3
- Dictionary of Organic Compunds, Chapman & Hill, NY 1982; QD 246.D5
- Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis (Kirk-Othmer) Interscience, NY 1966; QD 131.E5
- Encyclopedia of Polymer Science & Technology (Kirk-Othmer), Wiley-Interscience, NY
- Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions, Reinhold, NY 1946; QD 155.J3
- MacMillan Encylcopedia of Chemistry, MacMillan Reference USA, Simon & Schuster, QD 4.M33
- Merck Index, Merck & Co., Rahway, NJ
- Physician's Desk Reference, Publisher: Charles, E. Baker of Litton Industries
- Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Fieser & Fieser, Wiley-Interscience (continuing series)
- Find the pKa's for sparteine (also known as lupinidine), C15H22N2.
- What was the element cerium, Ce, named after?
- What is the procedure for producing dry, pure distilled acetonitrile?
- What is the IUPAC name for the drug librium (common name = chlordiazepoxide hyrochloride) ?
- What is the melting pont, boiling point and density (at 20 C) of diphenyl amine?