Tom Nixon Memorial Fly Swap
Albino Serpent

Originator: Tom Nixon
Hook: Mustad 3366 size 2/0
Thread: White
Tail: 6 to 8 white or light cream long and narrow soft saddle hackles
Body: Medium blue chenille
Hackle: Dense white hackle barely allowing body to show through
Skirt: Living rubber thread, 56 strands
Eyes: Large plastic
Albino Serpent Variation

Hook: Mustad 3366 size 2/0 or Eagle Claw Aberdeen 2/0
Thread: White
Tail: 4 white or light cream long and narrow soft saddle hackles
Body: White crystal chenille
Hackle: Light blue hackle palmered through body
Skirt: Strands of sili-legs
Eyes: 3/16" Eye Balz
Tyer: Joseph Cornwall, Cincinnati, OH
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