
Dr. Mark S. Delaney
Office: Kirkman 215 A
Research Lan: Kirkman 215
Phone: 337/475-5956
FAX: 337/475-5950

E-mail: or

Office Hours: 10am-11:50 am M-F, other hours by appointment

Course Description: Advanced inorganic chemistry. Extension of the study of the laws of chemistry as applied to inorganic chemistry.

Prerequisites: CHEM 301 and 302 and CHEM 301L and 302L; CHEM 391 (may be waived by instructor or department head).

Textbook:"Inorganic Chemistry," Shriver and Atkins, 4th Ed., W. H. Freeman and Co. NY, 2006. ISBN 0-7167-4878-9

Other Assigned Reading: chapters from "Inorganic Chemistry," Cotton and Wilkinson, 3rd Ed. or later.

Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be able to

Course Objectrives:

Assessment Methods

There will be three in-class objective tests and one take-home test each worth 100 points. Additionally there will be a comprehensive objective final worth 100 points. The material for the test may come fromm lecture, chapters in the textbook or from assigned readings from other books. The grading scale is detailed below.


Course Requiements and Evaluation: Student will be expected to read and comprehend material covered in class as well as assigned readings in the texty book and assigned reading in Cotton and Wilkinson covering descriptive chemistry.

Students are strongly encouraged to attend all classes. Acceptable excused absences for tests include only illness(with a doctor's excuse), university functions, or a death in the immediate family. If you have other problems please contact Dr. Delaney prior to the test date.

Methods of Instruction: Instruction will consist of lecture (and possibly Balckboard lectures) and discussions, assigned readings and possible homework assignemnts. Course and University Polcies:

Diversity Statement: Students should visit the MSU webpage at for information about diversity awareness and sexual harassment policies and procedures.

ADA Statement: Students with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills are encouraged and have the responsibility to contact their instructor, in a timely fashion, regarding reasonable accommodation needs. Such students should also contact The Officed of Services for Students with Disabilities at Kaufman Hall Rm. 119, Box 92904, Lake Charles, LA 70609, Phone: (337) 475-5916, 1-800-622-3352 ext. 5916, Fax: (337) 475-5878, email: for reasonable accommodation needs.

Jan 22-25Introduction and Review of Atomic Theory and Properties, Chapter 1
Jan 28Atomic Theory; Molecular Structure, Chapters 1 & 2
Feb 4-6Mardi Gras Holiday
Feb 8Molecular Structure, Structure of Solids, Chapters 2 & 3
Feb 11Molecular Structure, Structure of Solids
Feb 18Acid-Base, Friday Feb 16, TEST 1, Chapters 1-4
Feb 25Oxidation and reduction, Chapter 5
Mar 3Physical techniques in inorganic chemistry, Moleculatr symmetry, Chapters 6 & 7
Mar 10Electronic sperctra, Chapter 19
Mar 17Introduction to coordination compounds & complexes
Mar 19Take-home exam, Chapters 5-7, 19, due Wednesday after end of spring break
Mar 21Good Friday Holiday
Mar 24-28Spring Break
Mar 31Descriptive Chemistry, Chapters 10-17
Apr 7Coordination chemistry, Chapter 20
Apr 14d-Metal organometallic chemistry, Chapter 21, Test 3, Chapters 10-17, 20-21, Apr 18
Apr 21Solid state and materials chemistry, chapter 23
Apr 28The f-block metals, Chapter 22,May 2, TEST 4
May 10FINAL! EVERYTHING! MONDAY May 12, 8:00-10:00 am

Grading: There will be four tests given during the semester plus a comprehensive final exam. Materials for each exam may come from both the text and the assigned readings in Cotton & Wilkinson for that period. The grading scale that will be used is as shown below (a 10 point scale):

The only reasons permissible for missing a scheduled exam are illness (a doctor's excuse is required) and official university functions (athletic teams, band, field trips, etc.) or a death in the immediate family. If you have problems that do not fall under these categories please see Dr. Delaney prior to the scheduled exam date.


WEEK 1: 5 & 6 H; Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs
WEEK 2: 7 - 9 Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra; B; Al, Ga, In, Tl
WEEK 3: 10 - 13 C; Si, Ge, Sn, Pb; N; P, As, Sb, Bi
WEEK 4: 14 - 16 O; S, Se, Te, Po; F, Cl, Br, I, At
WEEK 5: 17 & 18 The Noble Gases; Zn, Cd, Hg
WEEK 6: 25A, B & 26A, B Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta
WEEK 7: 25C, D & 26C, D Cr, Mo, W, Mn, Tc, Re
WEEK 8: 25E-25G Fe, Co, Ni
WEEK 9: 26E-26H Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt
WEEK 10: 25H & 26I Cu, Ag, Au
WEEK 11: 27 Sc, Y, La & Lanthanides
WEEK 12: 28 Ac and the Actinides

Copies of Cotton and Wilkinson may checked out from the library (3rd-5th Ed) or from Dr. Delaney (3rd. Ed.)