Using the internet go to The document you find there will be entitled "Using CAS Databases on STN". This is a free tutorial on how to use Chemical Abstracts on STN Online. It is in actuality a text, put on-line to help students and academics learn how to use Chem Abstracts On-line. If you prefer you can download the document in pdf format, and even print it out (now you know why you were encouraged to put Acrobat Reader on your computer. If you print it out, however, be aware that the text is 55 pages!) Read the Preface, Introduction and Lessons 1-8. Then answer the questions below:

  1. What types of files are searchable and what are there labels (which indicate which type of file they are)?

  2. What are Boolean operators? Why are they important? What problems may arise if the wrong Boolean operator is used?

  3. What is the connect cost per hour to STN?

  4. What is the Search Term cost?

  5. What is the cost of each Chem Abstract Number returned and displayed?

  6. Hypothetically, how would you construct a search for a paper published by Patrick A. Wegner in 1976 on an iron carbonyl compound so that it was most cost effective? (Don't do the search, just construct the most cost effective rationale for an online search).

There will be no actual search with this assignment, we will learn how to retrieve the same information in a later assignment using SciFinder. It is important to realize what the capabilities of and STN/Chem Abstracts Online search are, since these are still more available than a SciFinder seat at colleges. One SciFinder seat (meaning only one person on the McNeese campus can be logged onto the SciFinder database at a time from the entire McNeese campus) costs approximately $23,000 per year. STN/Chem Abstracts searches are a more economical method of search for smaller industries and many smaller schools.

Next week's assignment will be on searchable databases on CD, and preparing a pdf document. To prepare for next week's assignment, you'll need to to bring a blank CD-R disk to Dr. Delaney THIS week so he can copy the database to be searched for you. You'll need to turn in your pdf file that you create either on a CD-R or a floppy disk, which will be retruned to you. But these will not be due until after spring break.