PHSC 300 Scientific Literature

Assignment 13: Online Resources of the McNeese Library

Go to the and click on the library link to the right of the page. This link brings you to the library homepage. The tools we will be using are listed under "Research Tools" and include:

The first, "Find Books, etc. in the Library" will allow you to search by author title or subject the McNeese library catalog. The third, "Find Books, etc. in LA Libraries" is possible since McNeese is a member of the LOUIS system which links many college and university libraries together in Louisiana, allowing searching of the catalogs of these other institutions. The second link allows searching of various databases. The fourth link basically provides information about journal resources of the library. The only real way to learn how to use these resources is to dive in and try them. If they have help files associated with the resource, it is a good idea to read them to see how the database or whatever works.

  1. Go to "Find Books, etc. in the Library" and search for chemistry books by William L. Jolly in the McNeese library. What books are present and how many copies are available?

  2. Go to "Find Books, etc. in LA Libraries" and search all libraries for books by Alfred Stock. Report only those on chemistry. What are the titles of these books and in which libraries are they available.

  3. Go to "Find Journals, etc. in the Library" Got to the Database Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Host), and use "aluminoxane" for the search term. Limit your search to the "Full Text" only option (this will give only article which the full text is available, for a more complete search leave this box unchecked). List the references to all articles retrieved. the Academic Search Complete is probably the best bet for searching chemistry related terms out of the databases available on the McNeese library site.

  4. Go to "Find Journals, etc. in the Library" Go to the Database ERIC(EBSCO host), and use "Alzheimers" for the search term. Limit your search to the "Full Text" only option. What are the first five hits?

  5. Go to "Find Journals, etc. in the Library" and go to the Database Academic Search Complete, and use "alligator" for the search term. Limit your search to "Full Text" and "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" How many of the first twenty hits have to do with alligators, actually? Report the reference or URL of those the first five hits that actually do have to do with alligators.

  6. The "Journals/Newspapers by Name" link can be quite useful. Under this link all the print journals in the McNeese library are named, the journals relevant to each department are named, available electronic newspapers are named, and perhaps most importantly, which full text electronic journals are available. Go to the "A to Z list of Full Text Electronic Jounals." in the search box to the right, use "chemistry" as the search term. How many full-text electronic jounals that deal with chemistry are available through the McNeese library? What journals appear on the first page of listings?

  7. Go to the Electronic Databases and search for author in "Books in Print." Search for "Alfred Stock." What book(s) are listed? What were their last dates of publication?

  8. Using "Books in Print" again, search for author "Tobin Marks." Report the books listed and their last publication dates.